Hermès wins the Transparency Award 2022, all categories
After coming third last year, Hermès International has been awarded the Transparency Award, all categories, for the quality of regulated information provided by French companies in the SBF 120 index.
of the SBF 120 companies, after coming third last year and winning the award in the "CAC Large 60" category. (Shutterstock)
Since 2009, the Transparency Awards have been recognising large companies that have had the clearest and most accurate disclosure policy possible to investors and shareholders. The 2022 edition saw the luxury house Hermès rewarded, which obtained the first place in all categories. Hermès is thus recognised as the most virtuous French company in the SBF 120 index of the Paris stock exchange in terms of communication on commercial and financial practices.
To qualify for the award, companies are analysed and evaluated by a committee of independent experts from organisations such as Euronext (the main stock exchange in the euro zone with more than 1,900 issuers), the IFA, Paris Europlace (the organisation responsible for promoting the development of the Paris financial centre) and the International Monetary Fund. Just over 250 criteria are established to verify the conditions of accessibility to the price. The clarity and accuracy of the information provided by the company, its ease of access, and the possibility of comparability are analysed.
Last year, Hermès was already able to boast third place in the ranking. The aim of the Transparency Awards is to allow companies to assess their best and most effective transparency practices each year and to compare them with those of their competitors, which is an effective way, according to the organisers of the award, of staying ahead of official regulations. This 'exercise' in transparency avoids many mistakes in corporate communication practices and makes the latter more effective. Hermès thus continues to promote and work on the ethical aspect of the brand from all angles.
Hermès is strongly committed to gender equality and the fight against wage discrimination between men and women, and is a leading advocate of craftsmanship and excellence. It is also involved in the development of the regions where its factories are located, is committed to respecting resources and is concerned about the ecological impact of its activities, and has won an award from the rating agency Humpact for its ability to create jobs in France.
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