Travel & Wellness

Clinique La Prairie is betting on healing and immunity

Fabio Bonavita

By Fabio Bonavita09 décembre 2020

Two new programs over five days called “Energizing Wellness” and “Immunity Boost” are targeting a local and European clientele. The first one enables deep healing, while the second aims at reinforcing the immune system.

A full health check-up is done beforehand. (DR)

The Covid-19 pandemic has brought back the importance of sanitary measures when it comes to protecting oneself against a virus, as well as the major role of the immune system, as reminded by Sonia Spring, marketing director of Clinique La Prairie: “We have chosen two themes that have appeared to be essential during this year marked by the Covid-19 pandemic: with a part aiming at reinforcing the immune system, which led to the Immunity Boost program, including a full check-up and cutting-edge medical technology, and on the other hand the Energizing Wellness program, which answers to needs of deep healing and personal energy rebuilding during a long period that can create stress and anxiety.”

Another novelty is the length of these programs, which are now shorter in order to answer local clients’ needs. “Our advanced medi-wellness programs are generally based on a weeklong stay, that starts with arrivals on Sundays. We wanted to extend our offer by introducing shorter 5-day long programs, with a choice on the date of arrival, allowing to take back one’s wellbeing and body and mind balance in hand, thanks to our different holistic and medical experts. We target mainly Swiss and European clients looking for flexibility when it comes to organizing their stay.”

More than ever, body healthcare has become a hot topic. (DR)

Strengthen the protective system

We should be taking care of our immunity all year long

Sonia Spring, marketing director of Clinique La Prairie

In practice, the Immunity boost program includes a targeted health check-up, blood analysis, an immunotherapy treatment, all based on health technology focused on strengthening the immune system. This includes infratherapy, cryotherapy, as well as a massage using Swiss plants. Let’s not forget a course on antioxidant and anti-inflammatory nutrients. Sonia Spring reminds the following: “We actually need to take care of our immunity all year long. That’s what preventive medicine does. We all go through difficult periods with strong physical, nervous or intellectual loads. This increase in immune stress often coincides with the beginning of a new season (flu in Winter, Spring allergies, rashes during the Summer, …), but it can also occur at any given time during the year, according to life events and of course unique sanitary situations such as Covid-19.” In order to support the body in the best possible way, a complete health assessment is necessary as to detect possible deficiencies, and immunotherapy treatments are helpful as well. They have to be followed by consistent routines that optimize the immune’s system’s functioning through nutrition, exercise and relaxation. This combination plays a crucial role as it nourishes cells to support their natural protective system.

In order to reinforce the immune system, expert advice is crucial. (DR)

Gastronomic secrets

In that same spirit, the Energizing Wellness program aims at supplying long-term health benefits. To do so, it also works off a full health check-up and blood analysis. To regain an energetic balance, a combination of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that help antiaging and the body’s wellbeing has been imagined by experts from the clinic.

Culinary classes will be given by chef Sara Bussetti. (DR)

Also scheduled, eliminating toxins, infratheraoy and an energetic massage, as well as an immersive sensorial experience through hydro-contrast using the benefits of “Hot-cold” therapy. Chef Sara Bussetti will also be giving a culinary class to share Clinique la Prairie’s secret healthy recipes. These two new programs are based on the longevity philosophy of the establishment in Clarens, and include all four dimensions of the treatments, such as a medical check-up, nutrition, wellbeing and movement for a healthier lifestyle with long-term benefits.

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Travel & Wellness

Clinique La Prairie innovates in longevity

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